Dried Plum
It has vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, A, C and E, protein, carbohydrates, cellulose and calcium, sodium, iron, potassium and magnesium minerals.
It regulates periods,
It is diuretic and diaphoretic. You may boil dried plums in water and drink its juice against severe coughing complaints. Containing vitamin B, plum supports nerve system.
It cleans blood and it is remedy against anemia.
Having antifebrile effect, plum also helps us in cleaning of teeth.
It has positive effects on digestion system.
It should be consumed in limited amounts. Seeds of plum passes intestinal worms
Dried prunes contain approximately 6,1 g of dietary fiber per 100 g, while prune juice is devoid of fiber due to filtration before bottling…
Prunes contain large amounts of phenolic compounds (184 mg/100 g), mainly as neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids, which may aid in the laxative action and delay glucose absorption.
Phenolic compounds in prunes had been found to inhibit human LDL oxidation in vitro, and thus might serve as preventive agents against chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.
Additionally, high potassium content of prunes (745 mg/100 g) might be beneficial for cardiovascular health.
Dried prunes are an important source of boron, which is postulated to play a role in prevention of osteoporosis. A serving of prunes (100 g) fulfills the daily requirement for boron (2 to 3 mg).”
Dried Plum
Origin : China
Types : Whole
Size : 30/40, 40/50, 50/60, 60/70, 70/80, 80/90
Packing : 5 – 10 kg Cartons
Shelf Life : 12 / 18 Mounth
Plums and prunes are impressively high in nutrients. They contain over 15 different vitamins and minerals, in addition to fiber and antioxidants. pitted and unpitted various sızes available
Prunes are consumed as a snack, in cereal mixes, bakery and confectionery. Also it is widely used in cooking both sweet and savoury dishes.
Kategoriler: Dry Fruit, Natural Dry Fruit
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Dried Strawberry
Origin: Turkiye / Thailand / China
Type : Whole- Siliced
Packing: : 4*2,5 =10 kg cartons
Shelf life : 12 Mounth
Dried strawberries are a tasty, portable and healthy snack.
The polyphenolic and antioxidant content of strawberries makes them good for improving the immune system.
Dried strawberries are available as Conventional (natural without sugar or sweetened with Apple Juice Concentrate or Natural sweetened with sugar)